quotable kids

keeping track of the cute things my kids say each day

Monday, January 30, 2006

A Cleaning Game

We were at the mall today and passed by the arcade. A lady had a duster and was cleaning one of the video games. Caleb looks at me and says, "Mom! Look! There's a cleaning game in there!" Jason and I laughed so hard. It's funny how he thought I'd be all over that. Woo Hoo! You mean I can clean for points?! Where are the quarters, I'm ready to go!

Maggie Strikes Again

I have posted about my daughter's genius for getting her brothers to play things she would like. Well, she has done it again. She has adapted the girlhood favorite "tea party" for the boys by calling it "meeting". One of their favorite things to play is "meeting". Maggie sets the table. They put their stuffed animals on the bed (these are their children who stay up in the bed during the meeting). They take turns singing a song (apparently they think we do a karaoke thing or something for staff caregroup). Then they eat snack. Soooo cute! I am happy they view meetings as a fun thing.

Sunday, January 22, 2006

A Holy Day, Indeed

The boys were asking if they could watch a video this morning. I said, "no, today is a special day, it's holy and set apart to the Lord. Do you know what day it is?" Joshua answered,"Abuela's birthday?" (well, yeah, that too!)

Happy Birthday Abuela and Great Granny!

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Odd Connections

Maggie was complaining of a tummy ache,so I did what all moms do, and told her to try to go potty, if you catch my drift. "It's my tummy that hurts, Mom," she said. I inform her that poopy is in her tummy (didn't go into the whole intestine thing), and is making it hurt. Somehow, things being in her tummy triggers the following comment, "Is Jesus in my heart?" I answer, "I hope He is." She asks, "Is that safe?"

What in the world? How did we get from here to there?!

It does remind me of the words of Mrs. Beaver, "He isn't safe, but He is good."

Wednesday, January 18, 2006


After studying Mars today, the boys decided that they would build their own "egosystem" (as Izzy put it) in the basement. Hmmm.

Monday, January 16, 2006

new uniforms

My sons are increasingly getting into football. They inform me of who is in the playoffs, who they hope will win, etc. I try to be interested - I think they like knowing something I don't...but anyway. Yesterday my son Caleb decided he would bring it to my level. He said, "hey mom, the bears got new uniforms. They're orange. You'll really like them." (He then told me he would route for them if they wore their new uniforms. If the didn't, he would route for the opposing team.) I am destined to like this football thing, huh. At least if they keep chaning the uniforms, there will be something worthwhile to look at.

Monday, January 09, 2006

Is There Hope?

My daughter just said, with a green Nike baseball cap turned backwards, "you're going down, man!"

Is there any hope she'll be normal with all of these big brothers?

Future Cook at Double T

Izzy said at dinner tonight that maybe in a few years, when I'm a little older, I could be a cook...at Double T Diner...when I'm Aunt Karyn's age.

Monday, January 02, 2006

New Year's Revolution

Jason was explaining to the boys what a resolution was. We are doing one as a family. After we explained it Izzy said, "I know...we can read our Bibles everyday...that would be a good revolution!" Oh yeah! Bring on the revolution buddy!

Ties in the Offering Basket

My boys were wearing ties for the service on Christmas Eve. They never wear them, so it was a fun novelty. Jason was on stage leading the congregation in giving tithes and offerings. He said the usual, "...put the tithes in the offering basket as it goes by..." When the basket came to our aisle Caleb turns to me and said, "Daddy said we are supposed to put our ties in the offering basket." It took me a minute and I began laughing uncontrollably. I know the ushers were concerned.