quotable kids

keeping track of the cute things my kids say each day

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

nick names

I love that Maggie calls Joshua, "Doshy". She has long since corrected her speech impediment of "j" sounding like "d", but somehow, she just keeps it for his name. He calls her, "Maggs". He is the only brother that calls her that so far. Cuties.

Monday, August 29, 2005

wrinkle cream

At lunch today my boys informed me that they saw this cream that makes old people's wrinkled skin turn smooth. Caleb said, "We will buy that for you when you get old, Mom." Josh said,"yeah, mom, maybe we can get it for your next birthday!" (If you don't know, I am turning the elderly, 35 this year).

Thursday, August 25, 2005

A Holious Day

Maggie was singing at the top of her lungs, "It's a holious day...." I guess it's kind of a combination between holy and glorious. Works for me.

Monday, August 22, 2005

Maggie Mommy

When I called home from vacation to see how the kids were doing, my daughter said to me, "The boys are playing x-box nicely. They aren't whining or anything." Funny how she knows what I'm wondering before I even ask. Must be a girl thing.

Monday, August 08, 2005

The Baby Campaign

My kids are on a "can we have another baby?" campaign. Yesterday, Caleb said, "I want a girl baby because their clothes are just so cute."

When I asked Izzy if he wanted a new baby in the family he answered, "No. Too much work." (from the mouths of babes).

Friday, August 05, 2005

spanish names

Joshua said to Maggie, "my name in Spanish is Josue."
Maggie said to Josh, "My name in Spanish is Maggie-doodle."