quotable kids

keeping track of the cute things my kids say each day

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Izzy's First Poem

Fall Time

It is the best
When you rake the leaves
Especially when you jump in them.

It is fun when you climb trees too.
When the leaves fall off you can catch them.
It sometimes rains in the Fall.
And the leaves are yellow and red and green
And sometimes orange.

Joshua's first poem

Snow Day

It was pouring down snow
When I bumped my toe.
And my mom made cookies
With the dough.

Then I got dressed
In my green winter vest
Snow ball battles
Are the best.

Caleb's First Poem

My Big Red Bed

I said, “Mom, I’m bringing Fred
In my big red bed.”

Then my mom made some bread
And I said,
“Can I eat my bread in my big red bed”

Then I woke up in my big red bed
And my mom toasts some more bread.

Then I asked Fred,
“Do you want to eat bread
in my big red bed?”

Friday, November 04, 2005

blessed are the police makers

Today when Izzy was praying after being corrected he said, "...and please help me be a police-maker...). It was just a slip of the tongue - believe me, he knows what a "peace-maker" is - but I still thought it was cute. He's still a little guy, he just doesn't realize it.

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Bob the Tree

The boys informed me that there was a great tree in the woods to climb. They named him Bob. Okay, so it's not an Anne of Green Gables name, but cute and rather imaginative for a bunch of little boys to even think of naming a favorite tree.